Food for Health

My Precious! (aka Extra Virgin Coconut Oil)

*The following post may contain affiliate links.*

Now, I can’t vouch for all of this ailments (Thank God!) but to date I have personally used it to clear up diaper rash and eczema on my baby boy, to clear up my own athlete’s foot, I use it for lotion, I mix it with essential oils or use alone on my hair and scalp, I used it put a bad flare up of hemorrhoids in check, I’ve made my own vaginal suppositories for yeast infections, I use it as a substitute it for butter when I cook.

It can be a little pricey but like Brill Cream – a little dab’ll do ya.

If you know of more uses that aren’t listed or can vouch for some uses included in the list above, please comment below.

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***Reminder: Consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.***