Food for Beauty

Oil Cleansing

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For beginners, I suggest you start the same way I did, slowly and carefully. Begin with a 50/50 ratio of the oils. When I did this, my skin felt a little tight so when I tried it again, I backed off of the castor oil and increased the olive oil. If you have an inverse experience, I suggest backing down the olive oil and increasing the castor.

Olive Oil, Greek, Oil, Olive, Bottle

Once the proportions were down, I gently messaged the oil mixture into my face and then heated a face towel to as hot as I could stand. I then carefully laid the towel on my face allowing it to open my pores. After the towel was fairly cool, I simply wiped my face down with the warm towel. Although it wasn’t strictly necessary, once all the oil mixture was removed and I was glowing, I followed up with a tiny amount of extra virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer.

I was very pleased with the results and can’t see myself using any other method to cleanse my face. Let me know if you’ve tried this method or have any variations of this this method that you’d like to share below.

***Reminder: Consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.***