Food for Health

A Pleasant Period

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My primary concern was how to deal with the excessive flow and clots. Incredibly, it was a man that turned me on to my greatest natural recommendation to date – black seed oil. In ancient times black seed oil from the plant nigella sativa was considered the cure for everything but death. King Tut even ordered that a bottle be placed in his tomb to take with him into the afterlife. Among the numerous health care properties it has, it regulates a woman’s flow. With two days’ notice I began taking a tablespoon a day of the oil and the results were so immediate I was stunned.

Virgin In The Green, Nigella Damascena

Let me warn you, the oil itself may be an acquired taste. To me, it tasted like olive oil with a black pepper kick. (If you don’t think you can stomach the taste don’t worry there are black seed oil pills on the market.) It would have to taste a helluva lot worse than that for me not to try it. My situation had become critical. In fact my situation was so dire, I never watched the calendar because 1) a single irritating pimple would show up somewhere on my face and 2) I would get a warning cramp that would bring me to my knees when the time was upon me.

The first time I tried it, because I was so close to my time, I didn’t expect any jaw dropping results. I didn’t know how long it needed to be in my system to be effective. I was very pleasantly shocked. The pimple stopped growing and my cycle surprised me! That’s right, NO warning cramp. And not only were the cramps halted but my flow went from 7 days to 3 with noticeably fewer cramps. Surgery was now off the table.

***Reminder: Consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.***