Food for Health

A Pleasant Period

*The following post may contain affiliate links.*

Due to my call center job and not having the option of going to the bathroom as often as I’d like, I still had to wear pads (just in case my cup runneth over). Even though the black seed oil had helped out with my flow considerably, that second day was still a doozy and NOT to be trifled with.

Then one day an advertisement came across my Facebook timeline for the third and final piece to my period puzzle in the form of She Thinx period panties. And just like that, back down the rabbit hole I went. I searched Google, YouTube, and all of my social media outlets to find out any and everything I could about these wonders. I was especially interested in reviews from woman that were already using them. The decision to try these was a lot easier to make than buying the Diva Cup, let me tell you.

***Reminder: Consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.***